
Film Comment-Run Fat boy Run

Film Comment-Run Fat boy Run
There are so many people who want to look as thin as a model. There have lots of reasons for
people to loss weight. Run Fat boy Run—it is a popular losing weight movie. The leading man–
Dennis, who runs away in his wedding and wants to get his wife’s heart back . The actress –
Libby, who pregnant and sadly sees his Fiancé runaway in her dreaming wedding. After five
years, Dennis wants to restore Libby’s heart and take care of her and their son. But things go
wrong. When Dennis go to find Libby, he find that Libby has had a boy friend Whitt, who has
ambitions、dreamed and talented. He figures out that if he doesn’t do something to redeem
Libby. He will lose his best love forever. So he decides to do something to proof that he has
changed himself. He determined to make himself look stronger and healthier. He joins Marathon
with Libby’s new boyfriend.
In Libby’s birthday party, Whitt asks her to marry him. Dennis doesn’t want to lose
Libby, so he decides to finish the Marathon to proof that he’s really love Libby.
In the contest, Dennis tries hard to run faster than Whitt. But Whitt doesn’t want to lose the
chance to show to Libby how much he loves her and Jake. He tries to deliberately trip Dennis,
but Whitt falls, too. Dennis is sprained but he tries to finish the Marathon. Whitt also gets hurt,
but just minor injures. At the end, Dennis becomes a hero. And the press find out that Whitt
trips Dennis on purpose. At the end, Libby chooses not to marry Whitt. She gives Dennis a
chance to makeup it.
