
[How to Lose Weight Easily and Healthily_English Newspaper]

How to Lose Weight Easily and Healthily

There are so many remedies and ways to lose weight. But do they really help?

First, if you want to lose weight in a health way, you need to get enough sleep. According to

medical reports, we need 8 hours sleep one day. You should sleep in right time,

10:00p.m.~06:00a.m is the best time for people to sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep or sleep

in a wrong, your body may run imbalance. And you will get fat easily than someone who has

regular daily routines.

Second, you need to eat health food. We need to eat lost of food with high fiber and fresh. If you

always eat something with high-calorie, high glucose and high-salt, those unhealthy materials

will residue in our body and they can’t get out easily. It also causes people to get fat.

Third, we must do exercise regularly. If you don’t do exercise regularly, fat will not

metabolize. If we do not do exercise, we’ll get sick easily. We will eat a lot of foods to store

enough energy to fight virus in our body. If we are no health, we will get fat easily, too .

Forth, if we want to stay in a slender figure. We need to learn enough nutrition knowledge to

keep us in a heath situation, appropriate mental construction to face new life style, remember to

pay attention on your balanced diet, change your food types frequently, fully aware of your

physical. To keep your ideal figure, don’t forget to keep in touch with your dietitians.
