
[English Drama _應華系主辦]

English drama!!

腳色:1.赤~豬大哥 2.明~豬二哥3.軒~豬小弟 4.冠~導演
赤:What a wonderful day!
明:The sun is shining and the flowers are
軒:Ya ~ya~
赤:Uh~ Why don’t we go on a picnic?
明:Oh~ What a great idea!
軒:Ya ya
赤:We should bring something delicious!
明:I’d like to eat hamburger、orange juice and chocolate cake
and … … .
赤:Ok! Let’s go !
赤:Doe~A deer a female deer
明:Ray~A drop of golden sun
導演冠:Cut!! What are you doing?!
Pay attention!((三隻豬站好!
When you feel happy, you should laugh!
(打大豬:Don’t you feel happy when you go on a
picnic? Laugh!
大豬:Ok! I feel happy when I go on a picnic! What a wonderful
day!! (大笑
(打二豬:And you!Why you feel sad when you eat hamburger?
二豬: I like hamburger chocolate cake and my favorite orange juice, I should

(打小豬:Don’t always say “ya ya” without any
導演:If you want to stay in this group, prepare
yourself !((走人!!
((happily singing!!
赤:What a wonderful day!
明:The sun is shining and the flowers are
軒:Ya ~ya~
赤:Why don’t we go on a picnic?
明:Oh~ What a great idea!
軒:Ya ya
赤:We should bring something delicious!
明:I’d like to eat hamburger、orange juice and my favorite chocolate.
赤:Ok! Let’s go !((起身 繞圈唱歌
赤:Doe~a deer a female deer
明:Ray~a drop of golden sun
軒:I’m bleeding!!((laughing!!
赤:Haha!You should take a rest !
明:HaHa!Are you ok?
軒:I can’t walk and I’m so hungry(((laughing together!!
赤:I’m hungry, too!
明:Me ,too.
赤:Let’s take a rest and eat something!!
明:This is mine !(laughing!!

三人搶起食物也一起哈哈大笑!! 東西打翻 一起大笑!
三隻豬:Director, I was the best, right?
大豬:Director, will I receive the best actor reward? Hahaha! I
keep smiling in whole film, I was deeply enjoy in it.((haha!
導演:((打大豬) I will give you the worst actor reward! ((另外兩隻豬在竊喜
大豬:No no,why? I laugh happily and I really enjoy.
導演:Your brother was bleeding, you should cry with him. You
should feel sad. Oh my god!!
大豬:(點點頭) Right! I should cry ! ((哭!!
二豬:My dear director! If he wasn’t the best director, then I must
be the best actor, right?((hahaha
打二豬:(打二豬)When someone robed your thing, you should feel
angry and get mad!
二豬:(靈光一閃)Yes, I should hit him back!! Ha! Give me my hamburger!((生氣!!
三豬:(暗自竊喜)I’m the best!((hahaha! Thank you !Thank you !
打三豬:(打三豬)You won’t get the award! Will you feel happy when you get hurt?
三豬:Oh no, I will cry out and call my mom. It’s really hurt. ((crying!)Mom!
大豬:Oh! Please give us one more chance, I know how to act!
二豬、三豬:Me, too!!((點頭!!
導演:Ok!! Work hard, ok?? Time is money!!
導演:Action !!
赤:Doe~a deer a female deer
明:Ray~a drop of golden sun
軒:I’m bleeding!!((crying!!
赤:What should we do ?((慌張!!
明:Are you ok? You should take a rest!!
軒:I can’t walk and I’m so hungry, mom~~~~~~~
赤:Ok! First, we take a rest under the tree. Second, we clean the wound. Third, we eat

明:I agree!!
軒:Me, too.
赤:OK!!Let’s take a rest and eat something!!
明:The chocolate cake was so delicious!
軒:Ha! I’m a patient, I eat first!
明:No! This was what I bought yesterday! ((揮拳!
赤:Ok! Stop fighting! We should share everything together!! We are brothers, right?
明、軒: Yap!
明:You eat the chocolate cake first! And this orange juice!
導演: Drama is like life, life is like a play. Sometimes we forget to laugh when we
really feel happy. And sometimes we forget to act we’re really angry. We
face lots of pressure in our life, we always pretend that we’re fine. In fact, we
camouflage ourselves as a superman. We should be ourselves, and be brave to
face problems in our real life.

The end: ((bow!! 
